Azhen is an Ojibwe word that means “to give back”.
Though many people pronounce it “ah-zen” it’s true pronunciation is “ah-jhen”.
The Azhen Sanctuary logo is a custom font with vertical and horizontal lines to represent the four directions – a main element of Indigenous culture and spirituality.
It expresses authenticity, sacredness, and exclusivity.
At first glance someone may not know what it means, but be intrigued by its design. It’s there to subtly trigger a feeling in those who see it, and it’s meaning is there for those who ask, because only those who ask are ready for what we have to offer.
We trust in spirit and intuition to guide people here when they’re ready and need it most.
Azhen Sanctuary’s icon is inspired by the back of a hand drum.
The circle represents the power of life – the seasons are circular, the trees are circular, life itself is circular and we gather in circle. There is power in a circle.
This is why teepees, sweat lodges, and Kekulis (pit houses) are circular.
The lines in the middle, inspired by the patterns of hide holding the drum together, represent connection within the circle…
The interconnectedness of all things.
Azhen Sanctuary’s colour palette was created to represent the elements of Mother Earth and the land at Azhen.