Join Our Team
Let’s make the world a better place for future generations, while working with great people and living fulfilled lives today.
First, Let’s Make Sure Our Mission Inspires You.
We started this because of broken systems.
We see broken food systems with toxic crap being sprayed on our food;
Mental health issues from lack of real human connection and being disconnected from nature;
A housing crisis where 73% of people that want to own a home can’t;
Climate events that are not being addressed like wildfires, flooding, drought, and more;
We humans are not living in alignment with nature or with each other.
It is our mission to show people how to do this, through education.
Education is the leading indicator for the future, success and direction of a society.
We teach self-sufficiency, and methods for creating a better world.
To us, self sufficiency means to be food secure, water secure, energy secure, and financially secure.
It’s about learning how to give more than we take, and leave a better world for the generations to come. All while living more fulfilled lives today.
Azhen Sanctuary acts as a demonstration site – a sandbox where we can envision, create, test, and teach.
Combining ancient cultural knowledge with modern technology and comforts.
People don’t know how to do these things right now.
We are addressing this knowledge gap by creating an academy where people can learn through our online courses (our primary business) and in-person workshops.
By releasing new courses that show people how to do this not just off-grid but also in rural city areas.
And eventually creating full scale “university-style” campuses in various countries.
These physical campuses will address the skills gap, so we can teach people the in-depth hands-on skills they need in areas like natural building, regenerative agriculture, permaculture design, and more.
This is how we’ll impact the world and help shape it in a positive way, leaving a lasting legacy long after we’re gone.
Here’s Some Projects We’re Working Toward
Becoming one of the worlds most renowned permaculture demonstration sites
Creating an online academy with a series of new courses
A self sufficient urban home project
Followed by the release of a course on urban self-sufficiency
New locations in the US, Costa Rica, and beyond
Full scale in-person campuses
YouTube channel
Followed by a full-length documentary (think the “Biggest Little Farm” documentary)
Browse Open Positions
Live-Work Exchange Positions
Various Opportunities
Location: Rock Creek, BCCome live on-site to help and learn how we are bringing our 160 acre permaculture plan to life. Enjoy the freedom of being off-grid and out in nature with an amazing team of people who will help you learn, grow, and put your unique touches on what is striving to become one of the most renowned sites in the world.
Future Positions To Look Forward To
Copywriter & Marketing
Creative Director
On-Site Caretaker: Animal Manager
On-Site Caretaker: Garden, Orchard & Greenhouse
On-Site Caretaker: Fabricator / General Builder