Azhen is an Ojibwe word that means “to give back”.

Shelby and Jaymie Friesen are status Indian’s who’s lineage belongs to the Grassy Narrows band in Ontario, Canada.

A band infamous for being plagued by mercury poisoning in the water due to upstream chemical dumping in the 60’s. They still don’t have clean water to this day.

But, after a series of events triggered by the mercury, these brothers were born and raised in Vancouver, BC.

*Harsh content warning*

It’s said that their grandmother went insane due to mercury poisoning (that’s what mercury does, for those who may not be familiar).

She was then moved a province over to an asylum in Manitoba, where she was raped by an employee. The product of this was Shelby and Jaymie’s mother.

Their mother was then a part of the 60’s scoop, which landed her near Vancouver, BC.

As such, the family lost connection to much of their Indigenous heritage and relatives. They continue to try to find their lost family, but poor records make it difficult.

The boys mother did her best to ensure they grew up with a connection to their Indigenous culture, attending Powwows and Medicine Wheel events in the Fraser Valley.

It wasn’t until Shelby and Jaymie both found themselves experiencing fairly severe mental health battles in their early adulthood that lead them to connect in deeper ways.

Their healing journeys lead them to Elders Vern and Mumsie of In-SHUCK-ch Nation.

Elders Vern and Mumsie have been there for the brothers with open arms and deep knowledge ever since.

Throughout these journeys, Shelby and Jaymie realized there must be a better way to live.

The modern life they saw around them consisted of synthetic food, technology addiction, damaging social habits that are considered ‘normal’, disconnection from nature, disconnection from community, and living in grey boxes.

They learned ways to live better, and continue to do so.

Combining age-old wisdom with modern technology.

Azhen Indigenous Society is a non-profit organization born to give those good teachings back and create a better world.

Azhen offers authentic Indigenous events such as drum making, sweat lodge ceremony, vision quests, and learning from Elders.

In combination with modern teachings in permaculture, regenerative agriculture, sustainable off-grid living, and much more.

Help us create safe, sacred space for people to connect to nature and Indigenous culture and spirituality.

Help us make it available to those who may need it most.

Help us teach better ways to live, through action and leadership.

Let’s create a better future for our children, and our children’s children.

Here are some ways you can help.

And the people behind the Azhen Indigenous Society…

The Azhen famliy is grateful to have received a donation to help cover the legal costs to incorporate the Azhen Indigenous Society. Please note that it is in the process of being registered. Donations are still being accepted in good faith and being deposited into a dedicate bank account for the uses clearly laid out below.

Make a donation.

  • Donations are never used for salaries, 100% of it goes to the land, community, and the cause

  • Creating safe, sacred space for people who need it

  • Hosting events and sponsoring access for those who need it but can’t afford it

  • Spreading awareness and locating people who need these things most, since these offerings can be very hard to find

  • Research and education related to our values

  • Making all of the above lasting for future generations

Donations are currently accepted by e-transfer to:

Give an offering or physical donation.

Do you have something that you’d like to offer the land? Whether it’s an old canvas tent that could be put to use, a sacred item for ceremony, or building materials and machinery.

Big or small, if you have an idea please email your thoughts to:

Skilled volunteer opportunities.

Help is always appreciated, and serves as an incredible nature retreat and learning opportunity for you. Here’s some examples that could help us:

  • Tradesman that would like to come help build

  • An up-and-coming or skilled photographer or videographer

  • Someone to help make meals for the team

Have another idea? Click below to get in touch.

Volunteer at Azhen

Sponsor and get a valuable exchange.

Business and personal sponsorship opportunities are available.

If it’s something that feels aligned, Azhen may be happy to partner with you and offer marketing and brand awareness in return.

Maybe even an annual business retreat or family reunion.

Become a co-creator of Azhen.

To become a sponsor please email:

Meet The Family

  • Jaymie Friesen


  • Shelby Friesen


  • Liz Rebiffe


  • Sylvia Shanoss


  • Vern Shanoss